Dear Reader,
This is the first of many blogs I am going to write for this website. By this time I hoped that Together They Fall would be published but unfortunately no such luck yet. In the meantime I hope that this blog will be good enough for you. Truth be told I am writing this blog for myself mostly just so that I can feel like I have got something done. I know I haven’t posted anything in a long time because I didn’t have anything to share. If any of you reading this blog post knows of any publisher or literary agent I can talk to feel free to leave a comment.
While we wait for Together They Fall to be published this blog will focus on my opinions on writing. First two blog posts will be on my favourite book and my least favourite book. I plan to tackle my opinions on storytelling by looking at different forms of storytelling. Books will be what I want to start with. However, I am also planning to look at movies, TV shows and video games. All of this will focus on the writing of the stories. Just a warning, I will write a lot about Star Wars.
With that being said I am open to recommendations and I look forward to any that appear on this web site or Facebook. Until next week, take care Reader.
Matthew J. Croutch
Yeah man! I look forward to your musings in the future. The world needs more of the one and only Matthew Croutch!